Accepted papers

The following papers have been accepted at SEFM 2024. The indicated artifact badges follow the EAPLS badging scheme.

Authors Title Badges
Kangfeng Ye, Roberto Metere, Poonam Yadav User-Guided Verification of Security Protocols via Sound Animation  
Margherita Renieri, Letterio Galletta A Policy Framework for Regulating External Calls in Smart Contracts  
Alessandro Cimatti, Thomas Møller Grosen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Stefano Tonetta, Martin Zimmermann Exploiting Assumptions for Effective Monitoring of Real-Time Properties under Partial Observability  
Adele Veschetti, Richard Bubel, Reiner Hähnle SmartML: Towards a Modeling Language for Smart Contracts  
Jonas Becker-Kupczok, Paula Herber Symbolic Execution for Precise Information Flow Analysis of Timed Concurrent Systems Functional badge Available badge
Horatiu Cirstea, Markus A. Kuppe, Benjamin Loillier, Stephan Merz Validating Traces of Distributed Programs Against TLA+ Specifications  
Narges Khakpour, David Parker Partially-Observable Security Games for Automating Attack-Defense Analysis  
Diego Marmsoler, Asad Ahmed, Achim D. Brucker Secure Smart Contracts with Isabelle/Solidity Reusable badge Available badge
Ellen Wittingen, Marieke Huisman, Ömer Şakar Deductive verification of SYCL in VerCors Reusable badge Available badge
Jan Tušil, Jan Obdrzalek Minuska: Towards a Formally Verified Programming Language Framework Functional badge Available badge
Benjamin von Berg, Bernhard Aichernig, Maximilian Rindler, Darko Stern, Martin Tappler Hierarchical Learning of Generative Automaton Models from Sequential Data  
Salman Farhat, Simon Bliudze, Laurence Duchien, Olga Kouchnarenko Composing Run-time Variability Models  
Raúl Pardo, Daniel Le Métayer Model-Checking the Implementation of Consent Functional badge Available badge
Hannes Sochor, Flavio Ferrarotti, Robert Wille GrammarForge: Learning Program Input Grammars for Fuzz Testing  
Adam Petz, Will Thomas, Anna Fritz, Tj Barclay, Logan Schmalz, Perry Alexander Verified Configuration and Deployment of Layered Attestation Managers Functional badge Available badge
Ana Jovanovic, Allison Sullivan Right or Wrong – Understanding How Users Write Software Models in Alloy  
Vasileios Koutavas, Yu-Yang Lin, Nikos Tzevelekos An Operational Semantics for Yul Reusable badge Available badge
Étienne André, Marie Duflot, Laetitia Laversa, Engel Lefaucheux Execution-time opacity control for timed automata  
Siddharth Priya, Temesghen Kahsai, Arie Gurfinkel Unlocking the Power of Environment Assumptions for Unit Proofs Functional badge Available badge
Ivan Lanese, Ugo Dal Lago, Vikraman Choudhury Towards Quantum Multiparty Session Types  
Philip Tasche, Paula Herber, Marieke Huisman Automated Invariant Generation for Efficient Deductive Reasoning about Embedded Systems Available badge
Matteo Paier, Roberto Van Eeden, Marino Miculan Formal Analysis of Multi-Factor Authentication Schemes in Digital Identity Cards Reusable badge Available badge
Srajan Goyal, Alberto Griggio, Stefano Tonetta Leveraging Contracts for Failure Monitoring and Identification in Automated Driving Systems  

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